Dear Parent/Carer

 On behalf of our school community, welcome to Torrance Primary School!  The information on website is designed to give you an overview of our school.  I hope you will find it interesting and useful.

Torrance Primary is at the heart of the local community.  Above all, we value our relationships with our families and the wider community and strongly believe in working together to ensure all our children achieve their full potential.  We work together to ensure our children develop positive attitudes to learning and foster values such as perseverance, respect, kindness and achievement.  We provide a safe, nurturing environment to ensure children are happy and ready to learn.

At Torrance Primary we provide a range of experiences through our diverse curriculum and celebrate our children’s achievements both within and out with school.

I hope you enjoy getting to know our school and community and hope you find the information on this website informative.  If you require any further information about Torrance Primary School, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. If you have not already visited the school, we would be delighted to welcome you and show you around.

We look forward to working with you and your family.

Kind regards,

Laura Law
Head Teacher